Light slices through the crack in the curtains of my living room.
Moonbeams penetrate the darkness that cloaks me.
Their silvery light touches my hands, as if to console me like a long lost friend...
My only company on a cloudless summer night.
The weight of a big decision lays heavy across my shoulders.
Profound realization is beckoning me.
Instead of celebrating a new year, surrounded by friends and family...
I am sitting in the dark, alone, doing a whole lot of soul searching.
Reflecting on what I want out of life.
It is so quiet, it is eerie.
In the stillness, I can think.
Deep down I want to leave my partner, but struggle to do it without hurting him.
I no longer feel connected to the house we live in.
Even though the work I am doing pays me well, it still isn't the best use of my abilities.
I know I am not tapping into my full potential.
The way I am living feels monotonous and repetitive.
I still feel joy and happiness in small things, but even they are becoming less frequent.
I am 'shoulding' myself into feeling grateful about where I am at.
Life plateaus suck.
On top of that, for months, I have been catching glimpses and visions of another life.
While going about my normal routine, images beam into my third eye of places I have never visited before.
I see experiences I have never lived, yet feel so familiar.
I keep seeing palm trees and endless blue skies, as I drive along the road with a dark-haired stranger.
In these visions, I know it is overseas, far away from New Zealand.
It feels like California.
I always feel light and joyous.
Dreams come too, that feel so real, I awake from them and feel disoriented.
Unsure what is real and what is the dream.
Sometimes, I wake in a flood of tears.
This is the intense response to separation from the man that keeps visiting me in them.
Someone I do not know, but feel a deep connection with.
This same man visited me in my dream, when I slept at the foot of the mountain beneath Machu Picchu.
Except I saw him as he looked in a lifetime in Ancient Rome.
This man always makes me feel unsettled when I am awake.
I feel guilty every time I dream of him, even though I have done nothing wrong.
The soul connection we have is so powerful.
It seems as though he is reminding me about something important I am forgetting.
You see, an uncomfortable question has been nagging at the edges of my mind for quite some time.
And now, I find myself awaiting the real answer without any distractions.
I refuse to avoid the response I have been afraid to acknowledge.
For answering this question with honesty will forever change the trajectory of my life as I know it.
The question is simple yet profound;
Of course, I know the answer long before I feel the response well up from deep within my heart.
I have known the truth for longer than I care to admit.
I have denied it for a long time because the answer means so much upheaval.
It means total uncertainty and change from all that is comfortable and familiar.
I know by honoring the answer, I will have no further excuses.
I will have to take full responsibility for what I am creating.
I will need complete and utter faith in that which I cannot see, yet.
But, I know it will come to be, if I allow it, instead of chasing it.
Choosing not to sell myself short and live a life of quiet desperation.
I embrace courage.
The kind of courage required to follow the song of my heart, no matter what.
I end my stagnant relationship with grace and compassion.
I pack up my belongings, donate 90% of what I own, and leave the house we shared.
I adjust my approach in business so I can use more of my potential.
It's a journey of practice, change, and constant adjustment - at times scary, yet undeniably adventurous.
New people, travel, and experiences fill my heart with happiness, freedom, and growth.
I go wherever my heart guides me, making sure to fit it around my work schedule.
I invite my parents to the US for a family holiday (first time in America for me and my mama) this is a total blast.
I fall in love with America.
I say yes to opportunities that get me outside of my comfort zone.
I want to squeeze everything I can out of life and enjoy it all.
I even fly to LA for a random 3-day mentoring by the co-founder of Mindvalley...
And, then come straight back into the office, direct from a 12-hour flight and I am on fire.
I work hard and I play hard.
I help the business I contract to take out top awards.
Every single person I train rises to the top and becomes the best in the country, picking up prizes galore.
I revisit Egypt and get another lot of activations near the oldest pyramids.
For the first couple of days I am the only person who speaks English, and yet, I thrive.
I make friends with the locals who take good care of me and treat me like family.
(Also, I am very grateful when my peers arrive and I can talk in English again!)
During mystery school training, the dream man comes to visit me yet again.
I recognize his energetic signature now, even if I don't quite know what he looks like.
I go through highs and lows, ups and downs, and I love it all.
This is the medicine I needed.
My changes haven’t gone unnoticed.
People keep asking why I am so radiant.
This path has led me to radiant joy, to the vibrancy that comes from living with passion, power, and purpose.
As I have experienced, the more I trust the rhythms of life, the more miraculous everything becomes.
Until one day, I realize that what I wanted, what I dreamed of has - for the most part - become my waking reality.
I feel fulfilled, while still yearning to become more.
And, I am joyfully married to the dark-haired one who used to visit me in my dreams...
This man who calls California home ;)
This is the payoff of honouring myself and following my truth.
So, I invite you to ask that uncomfortable question lingering in the edges of your mind.
The answer might set you on a trajectory of upheaval and change...
But it's a journey worth taking.
Trust in the unseen, embrace the unknown, and, one day, you may find your waking reality aligning with the dreams that once graced your sleep.
𓋹 Dani
I am The ATΞN Oracle™—a Spiritual Success Strategist and a force for visionary, heart-centered Business Leaders ready to transcend limitations and unlock their hidden genius for explosive growth and radiant success in both life and business.
I’m here for the bold and unshakable—those who refuse to settle for mediocrity, excuses, or self-imposed limits. If you’re ready to stop playing safe and start leading from your divine potential, I can guide you.
I fuse metaphysics, business strategy, energy mastery, ancient wisdom, scientific principles, and power dynamics to help you achieve holistic success, meaningful growth, and the kind of joy that radiates from within.
This isn’t just about achieving goals—it’s about fulfilling your divine destiny.
Breakthrough the hidden power blocks holding you back and step into your next-level greatness.
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Within you is a unique, sacred blueprint that not only helps you to live and lead authentically, true to who you are...
But also helps you to align to success and achievement so that you can say goodbye to hustle and self-sacrifice and say hello to thriving on your terms. Curious? Click the button below.
Done with distractions? Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Had enough of spinning your wheels every time too much gets loaded on your plate?
Me too, that's why I created this super fast and effective way to help you stay on top of your tasks and goals minus the stress and confusion!
I’ve written a short thought-piece on The Fastest Way to Shatter Your Go-Getter Glass Ceiling—it’s a quick yet powerful read that could shift your perspective on what's actually holding you back from your next level success.
Want a copy? Just send me a DM with the words "GO-GETTER" and I’ll send it your way.
If you're ready to level up your income, impact and freedom with speed and ease, then you're going to love what I've created for you.
Transform Your Inner World to Attract Your Ideal Partner with the Heart Alchemy Code™ in Under 2 Hours AND Feel Confident, Loved, and Understood Without Settling, Playing Games, or Feeling Desperate.
The environmentally-friendly and effortless way to stay on track with your most important goals and aspirations so you can make 2024 your best year ever.
A short and insightful eBook designed to help you discover your nine personal powers and uncover the hidden power blocks to achieving next-level greatness.
Known as The ATΞN Oracle™, Dani Alkhemi is a Spiritual Success Strategist who blends the roles of Mentor, Strategist, Teacher, Healer, Mystic, Psychic Advisor, and Clear Channel to facilitate life-changing transformations—with an Ancient Egyptian High Priestess vibe and a sassy attitude.
She specializes in working with visionary, heart-centered Business Leaders who want to live and lead at their greatest potential—without sacrificing their health, self, or happiness.
Dani is the visionary genius behind The 3 Codes of Power™—a dynamic fusion of ancient wisdom, energetic mastery, and spiritual strategies that empower you to Know Thyself + Thrive™. This means unlocking your hidden genius, achieving exponential growth, and unleashing radiant success in both life and business.
With an ancestral lineage of healers and powerful oracular abilities, Dani has developed two healing modalities that transform stress, overwhelm, and anxiety into peace, power, and purpose.
Before stepping fully into her spiritual work, Dani dominated the NZ automotive sector as a top sales expert, trainer, and leader—generating over $100 million in finance and insurance sales.
When she’s not transforming lives, Dani enjoys adventuring with her fabulous American husband, Franz. Together, they explore used bookstores, experiment with exotic cuisines, and turn their kitchen into a science lab. A nature enthusiast, tech lover, and geek at heart, Dani loves a good debate and playfully admits she’s one K-drama episode away from a Netflix intervention.
I’m a Spiritual Success Strategist and Creator of The 3 Codes of Power™.
I help visionary, heart-centered Business Leaders transcend life and business plateaus—so they can live, lead, and succeed at their greatest potential, with success and fulfillment in true alignment.
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With running a vast empire and the obvious stresses, numerous duties and challenges that came with the position, the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt employed a sole Vizier.
The Vizier was responsible for all matters of daily life, from maintaining civil order, as well as overseeing special tasks and events and even investigating problems or discrepancies on behalf of their leader to ensuring the pharaoh's overall wellbeing on a daily basis.
Vizier's were viewed as the special advisor to the pharaoh and more often than not, this non-royal but prestigious position was bestowed upon a trusted family member in whom the pharaoh had great confidence.
Because of their power, Ancient Egyptian viziers, were expected to be law-abiding, impartial, and levelheaded. Hieroglyphs often depict the viziers wearing long, white robes; these symbolized their purity of heart and spirit.
As the Pharaoh of your personal empire, you now have the opportunity of working with your very own modern day Vizier, Dani Andersen, to help you powerfully transform and enhance your life and leadership to the highest levels possible in the same manner that was successfully utilised thousands of years ago.
If you are interested in creating quantum leaps and unleashing your full potential, click the button below so that you can request an invite.